ATMA Syllabus 2024: Tips to Prepare, Exam Pattern

21 March, 2024
Priyal Kakaye

Aspiring to pursue management studies in India requires diligent preparation, and one of the crucial steps is understanding the ATMA Syllabus for 2024. A. The AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) is a national-level entrance exam conducted multiple times yearly, assessing candidates’ aptitude for pursuing management education. For the year 2024, understanding the syllabus becomes paramount for adequate preparation. 

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the ATMA syllabus for 2024:

1. Analytical Reasoning Skills

  • Verbal Reasoning: Critical reasoning, syllogisms, statements and conclusions, identifying valid inferences, identifying assumptions, identifying logical inconsistencies, and passages with questions.
  • Analytical Reasoning: Arrangements, blood relations, coding-decoding, input-output, direction sense, and statement conclusions.

2. Quantitative Skills

  • Arithmetic: Number system, HCF & LCM, ratio & proportion, percentage, profit & loss, average, time & work, time & distance, simple interest, compound interest, and measurement.
  • Algebra: Equations, inequalities, functions, graphs of functions, quadratic equations, and linear equations.
  • Geometry: Lines, angles, triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, polygons, and solids.
  • Modern Mathematics: Permutation & combination, probability, set theory, and Venn diagrams.

3. Verbal Skills

  • Reading Comprehension: Passages followed by questions to test comprehension, vocabulary, and understanding of context.
  • Vocabulary: Antonyms, synonyms, analogies, word meaning, contextual usage, and foreign words.
  • Grammar: Sentence correction, active-passive voice, direct-indirect speech, and different parts of speech.
  • Jumbled Sentences: Arranging sentences into coherent paragraphs.

4. General Awareness

  • Business and Economics: Recent economic policies, budget, major corporate events, and economic terminologies.
  • Current Affairs: National and international events, awards, sports, politics, and recent developments.
  • Static General Knowledge: History, geography, literature, science, and notable personalities.


5. Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency

Data Interpretation: Tabular data, bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, and a combination of multiple graphs.

Data Sufficiency: Analyzing data to determine if it is sufficient to answer a given question.


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Tips for Effective Preparation:

  • Understand the Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with each section’s exam pattern, marking scheme, and time allocation.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is crucial in mastering each section of the exam.
  • Time Management: To attempt all sections, learn to manage time effectively during the exam.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and allocate more time to practice and improve them.
  • Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to simulate exam conditions and assess your preparation level.
  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself updated with current affairs and business news to excel in the general awareness section.


The AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) follows a well-defined exam pattern designed to assess candidates’ aptitude across various sections. 

Here’s the exam pattern for ATMA:


  1. Mode of Examination:

ATMA is typically conducted in online mode (computer-based test).


  1. Sections:

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) divided into six sections.


  1. Total Number of Questions:

The total number of questions in ATMA can vary, but it usually ranges between 180 to 200.


  1. Time Duration:

The time duration for the exam is generally 180 minutes (3 hours).


  1. Marking Scheme:

Each correct answer usually carries one mark.

There might be negative markings for incorrect answers. The penalty for each wrong answer could be around 0.25 marks.


  1. Sections in ATMA Exam:

The sections in the ATMA exam typically include:


  • Analytical Reasoning Skills: Assessing logical and analytical reasoning abilities.
  • Quantitative Skills: Testing mathematical and numerical aptitude.
  • Verbal Skills: Evaluating language comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar.
  • General Awareness: Assessing knowledge of current affairs, business, economics, and general knowledge.
  • Data Interpretation: Evaluating the ability to interpret data presented in various forms like tables, graphs, and charts.
  • Data Sufficiency: Assessing the ability to determine whether the data provided is sufficient to answer a given question.


  1. Sectional Time Allocation:

Candidates must manage their time efficiently across all sections since there’s usually no sectional time limit.


  1. Scoring and Percentile:

ATMA scores are reported on a scale ranging from 0 to 800.

Percentile scores are also provided, indicating the percentage of candidates who have scored equal to or below a particular score. 

Tips for you should allow in the Exam:

  • Understand the weightage of each section and allocate time accordingly during preparation and the exam.
  • Practice time management skills to ensure all sections are attempted within the stipulated time.
  • Focus on accuracy since negative marking can impact the overall score. 
  • Regular practice through mock tests and previous years’ question papers can familiarise candidates with the exam pattern and improve their performance.
  • Understanding the exam pattern thoroughly is essential for adequate preparation and success in the ATMA exam. Candidates should strategise their preparation according to the exam pattern to maximise their scores and increase their chances of admission to top management institutes.


In conclusion, preparing for the ATMA exam requires a holistic approach covering all sections of the syllabus. With dedication, consistent effort, and strategic preparation, aspirants can enhance their chances of success in ATMA 2024 and pave the way for a promising management career. Studying these topics, understanding the ATMA exam pattern, and giving tons of mock tests will adequately prepare you for the ATMA 2024 exam. For any more questions, schedule a free counselling session here, and one of our mentors will get back to you soon.