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CAT 2022 Score Calculator

29 November, 2022

Dear Student,

Last updated on 3rd Dec 2022, 5 PM.

IMS’s estimated percentile predictor for CAT’22 is Live now.

1. Upload your CAT’22 response sheet to know your estimated CAT’22 percentile. The calculator will show the estimated sectional & overall estimated percentile.

2. Please upload your response sheet in HTML format even if you have uploaded the response sheet previously.

3. Visit www.iimcat.ac.in and download your response sheet. Open the response sheet, use the right-click button and select ‘Save as HTML’




Important disclaimers

1. The estimated percentile is not the official percentile released by the IIMs; it is an estimated percentile calculated by IMS based on approximately 19,500 unique response sheets.

2. IMS cannot be held liable for any action taken/ not taken by you basis the estimated percentile displayed. Please do not take any B-School application decision solely based on the estimated percentile displayed.
