KJ Somaiya Cutoff 2024: CAT, CMAT, NMAT, XAT

21 May, 2024
Radhika Joshi

Summary: To apply for MBA admission at KJ Somaiya in 2024, candidates must score minimum qualifying scores in exams like CAT, XAT, CMAT, or NMAT. The minimum required score varies by exam. Details on the KJ Somaiya Cutoff can be found in the blog mentioned.

KJ Somaiya Cutoff

If you are planning to apply for MBA admission at KJ Somaiya in 2024, then you must be aware of the qualifying exams that you need to appear for. To be eligible for admission, you must achieve a high score on any of the exams, such as CAT, XAT, CMAT, or NMAT. However, the minimum score required for each exam varies depending on the exam taken. So, for that you must understand the details of KJ Somaiya Cutoff through this blog.


Prepare For the Achievement in CAT with IMS Expert Mentor Guidance

KJ Somaiya Cutoff: MBA Cutoff 2024 Highlights

CAT 202384 Percentile
XAT 202471 Percentile
NMAT 2024224 Score
CMAT 202498 Percentile (Expected)


KJ Somaiya Cutoff MBA 2024: Parameter-Wise Weightage

Find the table below, which indicates the weightage assigned to each parameter for KJ Somaiya MBA Admission 2024.

Qualifying Examination25%
Personal Interview25%
Group Discussion 15%
Academic Profile15%
Written Ability Test (WAT)10%
Work Experience10%


KJ Somaiya Cutoff MBA 2024: Admission Process 

The following steps describe the admission process for KJ Somaiya in 2024:

  • Candidates should have a valid score in CAT / XAT / NMAT / GMAT
  • Shortlisting for CA – PI
  • WAT – GDPI process
  • Merit List Declaration
  • Online Seat Allotment


KJ Somaiya’s admission process for 2024 involves several key steps for aspirants to follow. Initially, candidates must secure a valid score in prominent management entrance exams such as CAT, XAT, NMAT, or GMAT. This score is crucial as it forms the basis for the initial shortlisting of candidates.

Following this, shortlisted candidates will undergo the CA—PI process. This is an important phase in which candidates are assessed further to test their suitability for the program. Subsequently, the WAT—GDPI process takes place. 

This consists of a Written Ability Test (WAT) followed by a Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GDPI). These stages are designed to evaluate the candidate’s analytical thinking, communication skills, and overall personality. 

Once these steps are completed, a Merit List is declared. This list is published based on the candidates’ performance in the entrance exams and the subsequent evaluation processes. 

Finally, the Online Seat Allotment process allows successful candidates to secure their admission. This step concludes the admission process, marking the beginning of the candidate’s academic journey at KJ Somaiya.


KJ Somaiya CAT Cutoff 2023

KJ Somaiya CAT Cutoff 2023 for the General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff percentile for CAT is 84.


Cutoff By Percentile


Cutoff By Percentile


Cutoff By Percentile

MBA Health Care Management848386
MBA Sports Management

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KJ Somaiya CMAT Cutoff 2023

KJ Somaiya CMAT Cutoff 2023 for the General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff percentile for CMAT is 98.


Cutoff By Percentile


Cutoff By Percentile


Cutoff By Percentile

MBA Sports Management989590
MBA Health Care Management989590


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KJ Somaiya NMAT Cutoff 2023

KJ Somaiya NMAT Cutoff 2023 for the General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff percentile for NMAT is 95.


Cutoff By Percentile


Cutoff By Percentile

MBA Sports Management9595
MBA Health Care Management9595

KJ Somaiya XAT Cutoff 2023

KJ Somaiya XAT Cutoff 2023 for the General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff percentile for XAT is 71.


Cutoff By Percentile


Cutoff By Percentile

MBA Health Care Management7185
MBA Sports Management7185

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Q1: What is the KJ Somaiya cutoff for CAT 2023 for MBA admission?

A1: KJ Somaiya’s cutoff for CAT 2023 for MBA admission is at 84 percentile. 


Q2: How does the KJ Somaiya cutoff vary for different entrance exams?

 A2: The cutoff varies significantly for different entrance exams. For example, CAT 2023 ranks in the 84th percentile, and XAT 2024 ranks in the 71st percentile. NMAT 2024 requires a score of 224, while CMAT 2024 is likely to set the cutoff percentile at 98.


Q3: Is there any specific weightage assigned to parameters in the KJ Somaiya MBA Admission 2024?

A3: Yes, KJ Somaiya assigns specific weightage to several parameters for MBA Admission 2024, including 25% for the Qualifying Examination, 25% for the Personal Interview, 15% each for Group Discussion and Academic Profile, and 10% each for the Written Ability Test (WAT) and Work Experience. 


Q4: Can you explain the KJ Somaiya MBA program 2024 admission process?

A4: The admission process consists of securing a valid score in CAT/XAT/NMAT/GMAT, followed by shortlisting for CA—PI, undergoing the WAT—GDPI process, declaring the Merit List, and finally, Online Seat Allotment. 


Q5: Has there been any change in the KJ Somaiya cutoff trends over the years?

 A6: Yes, the cutoff trends for KJ Somaiya can vary from year to year based on various factors, including the difficulty level of entrance exams and the overall competition. 


Q6: What is the expected CMAT 2024 cutoff for KJ Somaiya MBA admission?

A7: The expected CMAT 2024 cutoff for KJ Somaiya MBA admission is 98 percentile. 


Q7: How important is the KJ Somaiya cutoff in the selection process for the MBA program?

A8: The KJ Somaiya cutoff is a crucial initial filter in the selection candidate pool for the MBA program, determining eligibility for further assessment stages like the Personal Interview and Group Discussion.