How to Attempt Lengthy Passage-Based Questions by Improving Reading Comprehension For CLAT 2025

16 June, 2024
Priyal Kakaye

Reading Comprehensive for CLAT 2025: If you’re preparing for CLAT 2025, You have to master tackling lengthy passages, which is essential for the exam. Don’t let those intimidating walls of text discourage you! In this blog, we’ll share some tips and strategies to help you approach these passages with confidence and precision. So, keep reading to learn How to Attempt Lengthy Passage-Based Questions by Improving Reading Comprehensive for CLAT 2025.


How to Attempt Lengthy Passage-Based Questions by Improving Reading Comprehension For CLAT


Practising Reading Comprehensive for CLAT is essential since lengthy passages are an important part of the exam pattern. Each passage contains 300-450 words, followed by five to six multiple-choice questions. In each section, except quantitative techniques, aspirants must solve passages of approximately 300-450 words. Practising reading comprehension of passages is the key to success. These tips will help you answer lengthy passage-based questions in CLAT 2025.


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Essential Tips to Solve Lengthy Passages in CLAT 2025: reading comprehension for CLAT 

  • Reading:

 Improving your reading speed is crucial to lengthy passages in the CLAT 2025 exam. Make a habit of reading newspapers, magazines, books, and other informative materials regularly. The more you read, the better your reading will become.

  • Guided Learning: 

Take charge of your learning practices by adopting a focused approach. Concentrate on specific areas like vocabulary, tones, and language in legal texts. This will help you become familiar with legal passages’ unique aspects and improve your understanding, giving you a sense of mastery over the subject matter.

  • Relevant Books: 

Start reading books on political science, general knowledge, current affairs, and legal topics. Books designed for Class 12 students can be a good starting point, as they cover a wide range of relevant subjects and provide comprehensive information.

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  • Practice Previous Year’s Questions: 

Engage in solving as many lengthy passages as possible from previous years’ CLAT question papers. This practice will familiarise you with the exam format and enhance your reading speed and time management skills. As you find patterns and identify areas that need improvement, you’ll feel more prepared for the exam, boosting your confidence.

  • Time Yourself: 

Use a timer to gauge your speed while practising the previous year’s questions. Set a time limit to complete each reading comprehension passage and try to stick to it. This will give you an idea of how long it takes to read and comprehend the passage, allowing you to manage your time effectively during the exam.

  • Annotation Techniques: 

Annotations help you organise and recall important information from the text. Use a pencil to underline or highlight key points. Make marginal to remind yourself of significant arguments or facts. Develop a system of symbols and abbreviations for quick notes that save time and help highlight crucial parts of the text.

How to Improve Reading Comprehensive for CLAT 2025 Important Tips

Improve your skills for Reading Comprehensive for CLAT 2025 with these valuable tips. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your performance and succeed in the exam.


Important Tips Description 
  • Summarise the passage
Summarise the main points of the passage to grasp its central idea effectively. This will aid in better understanding and quicker answering of questions.
  • Identify the central idea.
Determine the passage’s central theme or main point to stay focused and comprehend the key message conveyed by the author.
  • Pay attention to details.
Pay close attention to small details mentioned in the passage, as they may be crucial for answering specific questions accurately.
  • Practice regularly
Enhance your proficiency in answering reading comprehension questions by practising regularly with various passages and question types.
  • Enhance reading skills
Improve your reading regularly and comprehensively, enabling you to understand passages more quickly and effectively.
  • Preview questions before reading the passage
You can quickly glance at the questions before reading the passage to understand what information to look for, enhancing efficiency and focus during reading.
  • Expand your vocabulary
Strengthen your vocabulary by learning new words regularly. This will help you understand the passage and answer questions more accurately.


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How to Attempt Reading Comprehensive for CLAT 2025?

The following are the best ways to attempt Reading Comprehensive for CLAT questions in the Common Law Admission Test.

  1. Read the questions given under the passage first. This way, you will know what to look for in the passage.
  2. Understanding the interconnected theme in each Reading Comprehensive for CLAT is crucial for grasping the relationships between sentences and paragraphs. 
  3. This understanding is vital for accurately answering questions on inference and detail, as both directly and indirectly connect to the passage’s content. 
  4. Accurate inferences depend on a deep understanding of the connections between sentences.
  5. Also, you will get an idea from the keywords in the passage.
  6. You can underline the critical points in the question paper while reading the question.
  7. Know which question you need to solve first and leave for the end.
  8. The difficulty level of each question will vary. Hence, you may require more time to answer tough questions and less to answer easy questions.
  9. Only questions are to be attempted by guesswork if you understand the issue in the passage very nicely, and options can be eliminated by common sense.
  10. Move to the next question if you feel that the question is tricky and time-consuming.

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Errors / Mistakes that students must avoid: Reading Comprehensive for CLAT 2025

  • Do not rush through sections: 

Every section requires a different mindset to solve the questions. Jumping from one section to another deviates your focus, creating a clearer situation. Trying to master many strategies for different sections prevents learning outcomes because it causes us to divide our concentration among numerous topics.

  • Manage your time properly: 

The prime focus should be accuracy and not speed. This CLAT Reading Comprehension Strategy, as previously mentioned, always stands true. CLAT Reading Comprehensions need to be tackled carefully and patiently. To get your answers correct, you need to thoroughly comprehend the entire passage for the tone, style, main idea and gist. Over speeding will make you miss out on some crucial details. 

  • Read the complete reading comprehension passage: 

Some people have a predefined notion that the first two and last two lines of the CLAT Reading Comprehension Passage are enough to make sense of the entire passage, which is not true. Answering the questions correctly requires a thorough understanding of the whole passage. As the name suggests, reading and comprehending is the best CLAT Reading Comprehension Strategy.

  • Simplify the CLAT reading comprehension questions: 

It is essential that you first of all understand what a particular question is talking about. Questions asking about the passage’s style, tone, main idea, etc., are very direct and do not need any simplification. However, other inference-based and application-based questions require simplification as they consist of several words entwined together that may create confusion in understanding them. Apart from this, carefully going through the answer options is also important.


Mastering the skill of tackling lengthy passages is crucial for success in reading comprehension for CLAT 2025. Understanding common ticks and adopting strategic reading techniques can enhance your comprehension and time management skills. To further boost your preparation, consider joining the. Our expert offers custom strategies, extensive practice with diverse texts, and personalised feedback that will sharpen your abilities and build your confidence.