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Why Choose Canada for Your Study Abroad Experience?

31 August, 2024
Dr. Monica Agrawal, Senior Editor, IMS Venturi

Canada is a compelling choice when considering the optimal destination for a study abroad experience. However, several students are confused about why they should choose Canada to study abroad or whether they should even go there in the first place. It’s time for a quick check of the facts.

study abroad in canada

Canada prides itself on being a “cultural mosaic,” where diverse cultures coexist and retain their unique identities while contributing to the broader Canadian society. Immigrants and their descendants are encouraged to maintain their cultural heritage while integrating into Canadian life. The idea of a mosaic reflects the country’s commitment to multiculturalism, where diversity is celebrated and preserved rather than assimilated into a single culture.

Choosing Canada for your study abroad experience is a decision that comes with a multitude of benefits, from a high-quality education system, affordable tuition fees, and diverse, inclusive culture to having an opportunity to immerse oneself in Canada’s breathtaking natural landscapes and vibrant urban centres that enriches the cultural experience, making it not only an academic endeavour but also a personal journey of discovery.



  • 1.16M full-time and 421K part-time students joined Canadian campuses in the fall of 2023
  • 115% increase in jobs requiring a Bachelor’s degree. 
  • 9.4% increase in Indigenous population from 2016 to 2021, twice the pace of Canada’s non-Indigenous population growth.
  • 88% of students say their courses highly impact their ability to secure a job in their field.
  • 74% of bachelor’s students who participated in a work-integrated learning opportunity said it helped them find a job after graduation.
  • Graduates with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $68.3 thousand dollars per year, 24% more than the national average income.
  • 875 startup companies founded & 300 patents issued.


Benefits of Studying in Canada




  • Top-Quality Universities


Canada has many universities spread out throughout its provinces and territories. Each province is responsible for its education, including universities and colleges. Find all Canadian universities listed by province. https://studying-in-canada.org/universities/. Institutions such as the University of Toronto, McGill University, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Alberta are renowned for their research facilities, academic rigour, and innovative teaching methods, thus emphasising the benefits of studying in Canada. They offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs which match students’ academic interests and career goals. 


  • Affordable Tuition Fees


Canada offers high-quality education with lower tuition fees than the USA, the UK, and Australia. In addition, Canadian universities offer scholarships and grants specifically for international students, which significantly reduce the financial burden. 

  • Diverse Program Options


Canadian universities offer a broad range of programs, from arts and humanities to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This diversity allows students to pursue specialised degrees tailored to their interests and career aspirations. Additionally, many Canadian institutions are known for their interdisciplinary approach, enabling students to combine different fields of study and gain a well-rounded education. 




  • Cultural Diversity


Canada is also called a “cultural mosaic” as it is one of the most multicultural countries in the world, with a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. This diversity is reflected in its universities, where students from all over the globe come together to learn and grow. This multicultural environment prepares students for working in an increasingly globalised world.

  • Welcoming Atmosphere


The Canadian government has implemented various policies to support and protect international students, ensuring they feel safe and valued during their stay. This welcoming atmosphere makes it easier for students to adjust to their pristine environment, make friends, and build a network that can last a lifetime.

  • Bilingual Advantage


Canada is officially bilingual, with English and French as its two official languages. This provides a unique opportunity for students to enhance their language skills. Being proficient in both languages can be a significant advantage in the global job market.




  •  Safe and Peaceful Environment


Canada consistently ranks among the safest countries in the world. With low crime rates and a stable political environment, students can focus on their studies without worrying about their safety. The country’s commitment to peace, human rights, and the rule of law further contributes to its reputation as a secure and peaceful destination for international students.

  • Healthcare System


Canada’s healthcare system is a major benefit of studying in Canada. Several provinces offer health insurance plans to international students at little or no cost. This access to high-quality healthcare ensures that students can receive the medical attention they need without incurring significant expenses.

  • Vibrant Cities and Natural Beauty


Canada is home to some of the world’s most vibrant and liveable cities, including Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Ottawa. These cities offer a mix of cultural attractions, recreational activities, and professional opportunities. At the same time, Canada’s natural beauty is unparalleled, with stunning landscapes ranging from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes. Canada has something to offer whether you are interested in outdoor adventures or urban experiences.




  • Work While Studying


80 universities across Canada offer over 5,600 work-integrated learning programs (including co-ops, apprenticeships, and internships). This is a compelling reason to study abroad in Canada as it offers numerous opportunities for international students to gain work experience while studying. The Canadian government allows international students to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during scheduled breaks. This helps students cover their living expenses and provides work experience that enhances their resumes.

  • Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)


One of the most attractive aspects of studying abroad in Canada is the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program, which allows international graduates to work in Canada for up to three years after completing their studies. The PGWP is an open work permit, meaning graduates can work for any employer in Canada, significantly increasing their chances of gaining Canadian work experience and transitioning to permanent residency.

  • Pathways to Permanent Residency


One of the most important reasons for studying in Canada is that it offers several immigration pathways for international students who wish to stay in the country after their studies. Programs such as the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) and the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) allow international graduates to apply for permanent residency based on their Canadian work experience and ties to a specific province. The Express Entry system also provides an expedited pathway to permanent residency for skilled workers, including international graduates. 




  • Research Opportunities


Canada is a leader in research and innovation, particularly in fields such as biotechnology, artificial intelligence, environmental science, and healthcare, offering students the opportunity to collaborate with world-renowned professors and researchers. Universities performed $17 billion in R&D in 2023, accounting for 35 % of total Canadian R&D costs. Thus, a great reason to study in Canada is that several institutions provide funding and support for student-led research projects, allowing students to contribute to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.


  • Innovation Ecosystem


Canada’s innovation ecosystem is thriving, strongly emphasising entrepreneurship, technology, and startups. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal are known for their vibrant tech scenes, offering numerous opportunities for students to get involved in innovative projects and startups. Many Canadian universities have established partnerships with industry leaders, providing students access to internships, co-op programs, and networking events that pave the way for future career success.




  • Student Support Services


A strong reason to study abroad in Canada is that Canadian universities are committed to providing comprehensive support services for international students, including academic advising, career counselling, mental health resources, and language support. 50% of students access their university’s mental health services. Universities also offer orientation programs, peer mentoring, and cultural activities to help international students integrate into the campus community and adjust to life in Canada.

  • Accommodation Options


A survey says that 93% of Canadian universities provide residence options for students. These include a range of on-campus housing options, including dormitories, apartments, and shared housing. Additionally, numerous off-campus housing options are available, ranging from private rentals to homestays. Universities often have dedicated housing offices to assist students in finding the right accommodation to suit their needs and budgets. This is one of the strong benefits of studying in Canada.




  • Internationally Recognized Degrees


A degree from a Canadian university is highly respected and recognised worldwide. Canadian graduates are known for their strong academic background, critical thinking skills, and ability to work in diverse environments. As a result, Canadian degrees open doors to job opportunities in Canada and other countries around the world. 84% of study-abroad participants increased their professional network outside of Canada.

  • Strong Job Market


One of the most important reasons to study in Canada is that it has a strong and diverse economy, with numerous job opportunities in various sectors, including finance, technology, healthcare, engineering, and education. The country’s low unemployment rate and demand for skilled workers make it an attractive destination for international graduates seeking employment. 

  • Global Networking Opportunities


Studying in Canada allows students to build a global network of contacts. Canadian universities attract students, faculty, and researchers from around the world, creating a rich environment for collaboration and networking. These connections can be invaluable for future career opportunities, whether you stay in Canada or pursue a career in another country.




  • Commitment to Sustainability


Many Canadian universities have made sustainability a core part of their mission, incorporating green practices into campus operations and offering programs focused on environmental studies, renewable energy, and sustainable business practices. Studying abroad in Canada gives students the knowledge and skills to contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • Inclusive Education Policies


Yet another benefit of studying in Canada is that Canadian Universities have implemented policies and practices to ensure that students with disabilities, Indigenous students, and other marginalised groups have access to the support and resources they need to succeed. This commitment to inclusivity makes Canada a welcoming and supportive environment for students from all levels of society.


In conclusion, the multitude of benefits of studying in Canada, including the combination of high-quality education, cultural diversity, safety, post-graduation opportunities, language proficiency, research and innovation, and a commitment to environmental sustainability, assure an enriching experience for international students. Ultimately, synthesising these factors makes Canada a superior choice for students seeking a transformative study abroad experience in 2024. 

As the world continues to evolve, the skills and perspectives gained through a Canadian education will undoubtedly empower students to navigate the complexities of the global landscape and contribute meaningfully to society. Therefore, choosing Canada as a study abroad destination is not merely an academic decision; it is a profound investment in one’s future, offering a pathway to personal and professional growth that can last a lifetime.