The IMS Advantage
All IMS International Programs are designed with the combined expertise of mentors who have scored 99 percentile on the SAT exam and have more than 5000-hours of teaching experience behind them
CHAMPION Instructors in CLASS and on WHATSAPP
Our programs are delivered by champions who have been not just taken the test for more than a decade but have also scored the 99th percentile on the SAT.
The instructors who teach you will also be available to guide you on WHATSAPP groups. For instructor profiles see program details.
myPLAN — PERSONALISED 1-1 Mentorship
One size does not fit all so all of our students book 3 one-to-one 30-minute academic & career mentorship sessions called myPLANS at various points in their prep for a customized prep:
- 1st myPlan: Planning the whole preparation and orientation of the IMS CIE Learning ecosystem
- 2nd myPlan: Content solving and score improvement strategy
- 3rd myPlan: Test-taking strategy
Our mobile app offers you everything you need to prepare on the go — attend LIVE classes, watch learning videos, book myPLAN slots, solve practice questions, read the latest blog posts, check your latest mock scores — not being near your laptop can never be your excuse to not prepare!
Get extra-value added sessions on current trends, hot specializations, emerging career fields, IMS CIE success videos and guidance by industry experts and University admissions committees
Admission Expertise Series
Our round the year Admission Expertise Series gives our students an edge over others thus maximizing their chance of success. This series of sessions are conducted by experts in admissions, university alumni, admissions officers and in-house experts.
The series covers a wide range of topics ranging from “How to Gain Scholarships” to “Building Impressive Resumes” to “Art of SOP Writing” etc.
IMS Guarantee
Students get an advantage of the IMS Guarantee. We are so sure about our training program that it comes with a guarantee. Know more
Session Summary
Quantitative Reasoning11 sessions of 2 hours each
Verbal Ability11 sessions of 2 hours each
IELTS33 Hours Self Learning Program
myIMS Online Prep Platform Area
Learning Hours40+ Hours
Practice Questions1000+
Full-Length Mocks8+
Entry Points
27AprDays: Sat-Sun Timing: Sat - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Sun - 08:00 to 10:00 AMEnglish
28AprDays: Sat-Sun Timing: Sat - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Sun - 08:00 to 10:00 AMMath
Instructor Profile

Mohammad Anas Khan