IPMAT Indore Analysis 2024: Detailed Exam Analysis

24 May, 2024
Radhika Joshi

Get detailed information on the IPMAT Indore Analysis 2024, including the marking scheme, question distribution, and overall details.

IPMAT Indore Analysis

The IPMAT Indore analysis is based on the students’ first-hand entrance test experience. It will provide valuable insights into the exam, such as the types of questions asked, the number of good attempts, the difficulty level, and the expected cutoff. 

The user interface was friendly, and no students complained about difficulties during the test. As expected, there were three sections with a time limit of 40 minutes per section. The paper pattern was unchanged as compared to IPMAT Indore 2023. Read through the article and understand the overall analysis through IMS expert IPMAT Indore analysis. 


Overall Analysis


SectionsNo. of questionsGood AttemptsGood ScoreExpected Cut-off
QA (SA)1510+32+20-24
QA (MCQ)3015+48+31-34


IPMAT Paper Pattern 2024


SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksMarking Scheme
Quantitative Aptitude (SA)1560+4,0
Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ)30120+4, – 1
Verbal Ability45180+4, – 1


Let us look at the Section-wise Analysis. This detailed analysis provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the IPMAT Indore 2024 exam, including section-wise breakdowns to help you understand difficulty levels and question trends. 

A IPMAT Indore Comprehensive Exam Analysis by Expert: 

IPMAT Indore Analysis 2024: Section-Wise

IMS experts conduct the IPMAT Indore analysis 2024 for candidates taking the exam and seeking admission into IIM Indore. Detailed information on each section is provided below for candidates’ reference.


IPMAT Indore Analysis – Quantitative Ability (QA) (Short Answer)


Most students found the section easy to moderate compared to last year. The unexpected question was a set of 3 questions on Statistics based on Median values, but it was doable. Below is the breakdown of the important questions and topics.


TopicNumber of Questions
Numbers, Fractions, Remainders, HCF, LCM1
Arithmetic, %, P and L, Ratios, Averages3
Geometry, Trigonometry, Coordinate, Conics 3
Logarithms, Surds and Indices1
Linear and Quadratic Equations, Inequalities3
Functions and Graphs, progression and Binomial1
Statistics – Median3
Total15 Q


The analysis for this section indicates that the difficulty level ranged from easy to moderate, making it attainable for well-prepared candidates. A good number of attempts for this section is 10 or more questions. A score of 32 or above is considered a good score. 

The expected cutoff for this section is between 20 and 24 marks, reflecting the relatively manageable difficulty level. Candidates who score within this range or higher have a good chance of meeting the cutoff and advancing in the selection process. Overall, this section was designed to balance challenge and accessibility, allowing diligent candidates to perform well.


Read More: https://www.imsindia.com/blog/ipmat/ipmat-result/


IPMAT Indore Analysis: Quantitative Ability (MCQ)


This section was difficult and time-consuming, especially the DI set was difficult to crack. The questions on Set Theory, Surds & Indices and Arithmetic were doable ones and should have been attempted to clear the cutoff. Below is the breakdown of the important questions and topics.


TopicNumber of Questions
LR / DI5
Numbers, Fractions, Remainders, HCF, LCM1-2
Arithmetic, %, P and L, Ratios, Averages2-3
Arithmetic – Time Speed Distance and Time and Work1-2
Geometry, Trigonometry, Coordinate6-7
Logarithms, Surds and Indices2-3
Linear and Quadratic Equations, Inequalities2-3
Functions and Graphs, progression and Binomial2-3
Set Theory, Probability and P and C2-3
Matrices and Determinants1
Total30 Q


The difficulty level for Quantitative Ability (MCQ) was difficult, presenting significant challenges to the candidates. Despite the tough nature of the section, a good attempt is considered to be more than 15 questions effectively. A good score is considered 48 marks or more. The expected cutoff range for this section is between 31 to 34 marks. This range reflects the difficulty level and the performance standards expected from the candidates. Candidates needed to answer strategically and manage their time well in this important section, which pushed them to showcase their best analytical and problem-solving skills.


IPMAT Indore Analysis – Verbal Ability


The Parajumble questions were in TITA form, and they were confusing. The Para completions questions also had confusing options. The vocabulary and Grammar sections were easy. Overall, the difficulty level in this section was easy to moderate. Below is the breakdown of the important questions and topics.


TopicNumber of Questions
Reading Comprehension12
Fill in the Blanks4 – 5
Idioms and Phrases8
Para Completion5 – 6
Correct the underlined part5 – 6
Para Jumbles (TITA)5
Incorrect word Usage5
Total45 Q


The level of difficulty for the Verbal Ability section of IPMAT Indore was easy to moderate. A good attempt in this section is considered around 35 or more questions. Achieving a good score would require earning at least 130 marks, reflecting high accuracy and understanding. Based on the difficulty and the performance trends, the expected cutoff for this section is expected to be between 115 and 118 marks. This range suggests that candidates who were well-prepared and performed consistently across the section have a good chance of clearing the cutoff.

Read More: https://www.imsindia.com/blog/ipmat/ipmat-indore-cut-off/




  1. How is the IPMAT Indore structured?

– The IPMAT Indore is structured into three sections: Quantitative Ability (Short Answer), Quantitative Ability (Multiple Choice Questions), and Verbal Ability. Each section has a specific number of questions and a time limit of 40 minutes. 

  1. What was the difficulty level of the IPMAT Indore 2024?

 – The difficulty level of the IPMAT Indore 2024 varied across sections. While the Quantitative Ability (Short Answer) and Verbal Ability sections ranged from easy to moderate, the Quantitative Ability (Multiple Choice Questions) section was considered difficult. 

  1. How many questions were there in the IPMAT Indore 2024?

 – There were a total of 90 questions in the IPMAT Indore 2024, distributed across the three sections. 

  1. What is considered a good attempt in IPMAT Indore 2024?

 – A good attempt varies by section. For Quantitative Ability (Short Answer), 10+ questions; for Quantitative Ability (MCQ), 15+ questions; and for Verbal Ability, 35+ questions are considered good attempts. 

  1. What is the expected cutoff for IPMAT Indore 2024?

 The expected cutoffs for individual sections are provided in the analysis, go through the comprehensive guide.

  1. Can the analysis help in predicting the cutoff for the current year?

 – While the analysis provides an expected cutoff based on the exam difficulty and candidate performances, it’s important to note that the actual cutoff can vary.