The major challenge in the preparation journey was that used to forget few concepts. I started revising the subjects on daily basis.

GATE-2022-EE AIR-68Challenges faced during preparation are Two failures in GATE 2020 and 2021 brought huge family and social pressure and which demotivates me very much.

Amit Kumar
GATE-2022-EE AIR-60I solved the previous year's questions twice/thrice, prepared short notes, and had given a lot of mock tests.

Sushant Ranjan
GATE-2022-EE AIR-42The major challenges in the preparation for any competitive exam preparation are Time management, distractions due to social media

Piyush Pandey
GATE-2022-EE AIR-29The study materials, quality of teaching, and reasonable course price are boon for me in achieving Rank 2 in GATE exam.