IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern 2024: Check Marking Scheme & Details

24 April, 2024
Radhika Joshi

Understanding the IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern is significant for candidates who want to secure admission to an esteemed management program in IIM Indore. This knowledge helps aspirants to have details into the structure, question types, and time allocation, enabling them to strategise their preparation effectively.

IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern

Familiarity with the exam pattern makes it easy for candidates to optimise their performance on the exam day, ultimately increasing their chances of achieving their desired scores and securing admission.


As you continue reading this post, you will be able to create better strategies for your preparation with this knowledge in your hand!


Start your preparation and improve your IPMAT exam strategy by utilising IMS mock tests, which are a detailed and efficient series of tests designed to help you excel in the exam. The IMS Mock Tests provide you with the opportunity to learn and apply key strategies and techniques crucial for achieving high scores in the Exam.

IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern 2024:

ParametersIPMAT Indore Exam Pattern 2024
Number of StagesAptitude Test and Personal Interview
Exam ModeComputer Based Test (Online)
Number of Questions90
IPMAT Exam Time120 minutes/2 hours
Total marks of IPMAT360

According to the recent guidelines released by the authorities for the IPMAT Exam Pattern 2024, the duration of the exam is set to be 2 hours or 120 minutes. The exam is specifically designed to evaluate the candidates’ abilities and will be marked out of a total of 360 marks.

  1. Each section of the exam has a specific time limit under which the candidate has to perform. 
  2. You will have 40 minutes to complete each of the three sections. 
  3. It is crucial to answer the sections in the pre-determined order, which is the same for all exam-takers.

The IPMAT Syllabus 2024 includes different quantitative topics that are crucial for students to prepare effectively. 

– Algebra: Involves solving equations and manipulating mathematical expressions.

– Average: Used to find the mean value of a set of numbers.

– Profit & Loss: Deals with calculating the profit or loss incurred in business transactions.

– Percentage: Used to express a fraction of a whole as a percentage.

– Number Series: Involves finding the pattern in a sequence of numbers.

– Data Interpretation (DI): Requires students to analyse and interpret complex data sets.

– Logical Reasoning: Involves using logic to solve problems and make decisions.


Preparing for these topics helps students to excel in the quantitative sections of the IPMAT exam and succeed academically.

Verbal Ability section assessment overview:

– Questions designed to test comprehension of written material

– Identifying and correcting language usage errors

– Demonstration of solid vocabulary command

– Specific question types: Reading Comprehension, Error Detection, etc.


Learn In Detail About The Importance of Studying Effectively:

IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern 2024:

The IPMAT 2024 exam consists of three sections.

  1. Quantitative Ability (MCQ)
  2. Quantitative Ability (SA)
  3. Verbal Ability


IPMAT Indore exam pattern includes the following sections:


IPMAT Indore Pattern: SectionsQuantitative AbilityQuantitative AbilityVerbal Ability
Question TypeObjective Type Questions (MCQ)Descriptive Type (Short Answers)Objective Type Questions MCQ)
Number of Questions301545
Time Duration40 mins40 mins40 mins


Marking Scheme 2024

The IPMAT Paper Pattern awards four marks for every correct answer to the candidates but deducts one mark for every incorrect answer in MCQ questions.

In the Quantitative section, Short Answer-type questions will not have any negative marking.

If you do not attempt a question, it will not affect your marks in any way.

IPMAT Marking Scheme 2024

Question TypeCorrect MarksIncorrect Marks
QA (SA)+40
QA (MCQ)+4-1

NOTE: Parajumbles carry negative marks of -1; this should be undertaken while preparing for the exam, even though some candidates believe they don’t.


Get The Expert Preparation Tips:


Section-Wise Cutoff for IPMAT Indore 2023

Here is the sectional cutoff for IPMAT Indore 2023:


NOTE: To proceed to the next IPMAT exam round, applicants must fulfil the eligibility criteria for cut-off scores.


Read More: https://www.imsindia.com/blog/ipmat/ipmat-result/


Exam Pattern (IPMAT 2024): Composite Score Calculation

To understand in detail how the Composite Score is calculated as per the latest IPMAT Paper Pattern 2024, follow these steps:

  1. For Quantitative Section (MCQ) Section Scores- 25x [(candidate’s Score- Minimum Score)/ (Maximum Score- Minimum Score)]
  2. In Quantitative Section (SA) Section Scores- 25x [(candidate’s Score- Minimum Score)/ (Maximum Score- Minimum Score)]
  3. And to calculate for Verbal Ability Section Scores- 50x [(candidate’s Score- Minimum Score)/ (Maximum Score- Minimum Score)]

Note: Those candidates who qualify can calculate their scores and determine the highest and lowest scores in each section. These scores are referred to as the maximum and minimum scores, respectively.

Read More: https://www.imsindia.com/blog/ipmat/ipmat-indore-cut-off/

FAQs for Understanding IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern:

  1. Why is understanding the IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern important?

– Understanding the exam pattern is crucial. Provides insights into:
– Structure of the exam
– Types of questions asked
– Time allocation for each section
– Essential for:
– Adequate preparation
– Performance optimisation

  1. How does familiarity with the exam pattern benefit candidates?

Familiarity with the pattern enables candidates to strategise their preparation, manage time efficiently, and increase their chances of achieving desired scores for admission to prestigious management programs.

  1. What is the IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern for 2024?

The IPMAT Indore Exam Pattern for 2024 comprises three sections: Quantitative Ability (MCQ), Quantitative Ability (SA), and Verbal Ability. Each section has a specific number of questions, marks, and time duration.

  1. What topics are covered in the IPMAT Indore syllabus for quantitative ability?

The quantitative ability section includes topics such as algebra, average, profit & loss, percentage, number series, data interpretation, and logical reasoning, which are crucial for adequate preparation and performance enhancement.

  1. What is the marking scheme for the IPMAT Indore Exam?

Candidates are awarded four marks for every correct answer in MCQ questions, with a deduction of one mark for each incorrect answer. However, there is no negative marking for SA-type questions.

  1. How is the composite score calculated in IPMAT 2024?

The composite score calculation involves a formulaic approach that considers the candidate’s score, minimum score, and maximum score for each section, helping to understand overall performance.

  1. What are the sectional cut-off scores for IPMAT Indore 2023?

The sectional cut-off scores for IPMAT Indore 2023 vary across categories and sections you can check in this article, determining eligibility for further rounds of the examination.

  1. How can candidates proceed to the next round of the IPMAT exam?

To proceed to the next round of the IPMAT exam, candidates need to fulfil the cut-off score eligibility set by the examination authorities.