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IPMAT Paper Pattern 2025: Marking Scheme, Number of Questions, Details

24 June, 2024
Parthiva Mewawala

Summary: IPMAT Indore and IPMAT Rohtak have their own marking schemes and sections that a candidate must carefully understand while preparing for the exam. However, what is the actual distribution of the sections in the IPMAT paper pattern for Indore and Rohtak? Let’s find out!

IPMAT Paper Pattern

The Integrated Programme in Management is a five-year management course offered by the top management colleges in India, such as IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak. Learn about the important details of the IPMAT 2025 exam pattern for IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak.


This guide includes comprehensive details on the number of sections, question formats, scoring quirks, and the all-important selection weightage.

 Start Your IPMAT Exam Preparation For Free With IMS.

IPMAT paper pattern 2025 – IPMAT Indore


The following is a detailed exam pattern for IPMAT Indore. Go through the pattern carefully and understand the marking scheme and time limits.

Section Number of Questions Time Limit Marks Marking Scheme
Quantitative Aptitude (SA) 15 40 mins 60 +4,0
Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) 30 40 mins 120 +4, – 1
Verbal Ability 45 40 mins 180 +4, – 1
Total 90 120 mins 360


IPMAT Paper Pattern 2025: IPMAT Rohtak


The IPMAT Rohtak exam consists of three sections: Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability. Following the written test, there will be a Personal Interview. Each section holds equal weightage; 4 marks are awarded for each correct answer, while 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect answer. Candidates should refer to the IPMAT Rohtak 2025 Exam pattern to better understand the examination.


Section Number of questions Duration
Quantitative Ability 40 40 mins
Logical Reasoning 40 40 mins
Verbal Ability 40 40 mins
Total 120 120 mins


Read More: IPMAT Paper Pattern
                    IPMAT Rohtak Exam Pattern
                    IPMAT Preparation Strategy


IPMAT Paper Pattern: Syllabus


IPMAT Indore Syllabus:

Quantitative Ability

The table below outlines the important topics in the IPMAT Syllabus for the Quantitative Ability section.


Topic IPMAT Syllabus: Sub-Topics
Number System Remainder HCF & LCM Properties of a Number
Factorial Finding Unit Digit Surds & Indices
Successive Division Divisibility Simplification
Concept of Factor
Algebra Algebraic Formulae Linear Equations Inequalities
Quadratic Equations Logarithm Functions & Graphs
Geometry Basics of Geometry Angles Lines
Triangles Quadrilaterals Circle
Polygons Coordinate Geometry Mensuration
Height & Distance
Arithmetic Problems Time & Work Average Problems on Age
Percentage Partnership Profit Loss & Discount
Ratio & Proportion Simple & Compound Interest Mixture & Allegations
Time, Speed & Distance Boats & Streams
Modern Maths Set theory Probability Permutation & Combination
Sequence & Series Determinants Integration & Differentiation
Determinants Data Interpretation Vectors


Also, Read: IPMAT Rohtak Syllabus In Detail
                    IPMAT Exam Date


Verbal Ability


The table below outlines the important topics under the IPMAT Syllabus for the Verbal Ability section.

Syllabus of IPMAT – Topic IPMAT Syllabus: Sub-Topics
Vocabulary Synonyms Antonyms Spelling Errors
Idioms & Phrases One Word Substitution Odd one out
Foreign Words Word Usage
Grammar Noun Pronoun Prepositions
Verb Adverb Conjunctions
Direct & Indirect Speech Figures of Speech Phrasal Verbs
Tenses Etymology & Roots Articles
Active Voice Passive Voice Deductive Reasoning
Subject-Verb Agreement
Verbal Ability Error Spotting Fill in the blanks Sentence Completion
Para jumbles Sentence Improvement Analogies
Reading Comprehension Synonym & Antonym (the meaning of a particular word used in the passage) Inference based questions Assumption based questions


IPMAT Rohtak Syllabus:

Quantitative Ability

The following table provides insights that will help you gain an understanding of topics likely to appear in the Quantitative section, allowing you to prepare accordingly.

Number systems Common graphs & charts Data Interpretation Mixtures and Allegations
Distance, Time, and Work Averages Quantitative reasoning Geometry
Profit & Loss Simple Equations Percentages Quadratic Equations
Binomial Theorem Mensuration Permutation & Combination Ratio & Proportion
Trigonometry Set Theory Problems on Ages Logarithms




Logical Reasoning


With the following table, you will get a better understanding of the topics you need to focus on while preparing for the logical reasoning section.

Syllabus for IPMAT – Topic IPMAT Syllabus: Sub-Topic
Basic LR Logical Sequence Series, Coding, Arrangements

Blood Relations, Input & Output, Binary Logic

Standard LR Sets Games and Tournaments, Cubes and Visual Puzzles, Word Problems,

Sequencing, Grid Puzzles, Linear and Circular Seating Arrangements, etc

Visual Puzzles Cubes and Dices, Venn Diagrams
Sentence Correction Critical Reasoning, Statements, Conclusions, Syllogisms, True or False, etc.


Verbal Ability 


The Verbal Ability Syllabus includes various topics such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning. Developing a strong understanding of these areas can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Therefore, studying and preparing thoroughly for this section of the exam is crucial.

Vocabulary (including Synonyms and antonyms) Reading Comprehension Grammar Sentence Rearrangement
Sentence Correction Sentence Completion Correct Usage of words and phrases Verbal Analogies
Logical Consistency Deductive Reasoning Inference based passages Prepositions
Conjunctions Tenses Modifiers & Parallelism Noun & Pronoun Errors


IPMAT Paper Pattern: Conclusion

The IPMAT paper pattern 2025 must be studied adequately before beginning your IPMAT preparations. It is important to have adequate preparation strategies for these exams. You can reach out to our mentors and learn about the IPMAT Indore Classroom 2024 programme and the IPMAT Indore Live Online 2024 programme. These comprehensive programmes cover material that you will require to prepare in the best way possible and achieve your desired results.



FAQs: IPMAT Paper Pattern 2025


  1. How is the IPMAT Indore 2025 structured in terms of sections and marking?

   – The IPMAT Indore 2025 exam consists of sections: Quantitative Aptitude (Short Answer and MCQ) and Verbal Ability. The marking scheme awards 4 marks for correct answers, with a deduction of 1 mark for incorrect answers in the MCQ sections and no negative marking in the SA section.


  1. What is the duration of the IPMAT exams for IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak?

   – The IPMAT exams for IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak are designed to be completed within 120 minutes (2 hours).


  1. Can you detail the marking scheme for IPMAT Rohtak 2025?

   – For IPMAT Rohtak, each correct answer earns 4 marks, and each incorrect answer results in a deduction of 1 mark.


  1. Is there any negative marking in the IPMAT exams?

   – Yes, for both IPMAT Indore and IPMAT Rohtak, there is a negative marking in the MCQ sections where 1 mark is deducted for every incorrect answer. However, there’s no negative marking for the short answer section in IPMAT Indore.


  1. What syllabus topics are included in the Quantitative Ability section for IPMAT Indore?

   – The Quantitative Ability section for IPMAT Indore covers a wide range of topics, including Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic Problems, and Modern Maths, among others.


Remember, preparation is key! Make sure to familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus well ahead of time to structure your study plan effectively.


All The Best!